Alchemy Classic List
Het spel Alchemy Classic

Deze lijst laat alle 238 elementen van Alchemy Classic v1.2.4 zien. Dit spel was ontwikkeld door Nia-soft voor het Android Platform.
Het spel start met vier basiselementen; vuur, water, aarde en lucht, ook wel fire, water, earth en air genoemd (zie afbeelding 1). Deze vier basiselementen moet je steeds zodanig combineren dat er een nieuw element uitkomt. Met dit nieuwe element kun je dan weer verder combineren. Bijvoorbeeld water en earth vormen samen swamp (moeras).
In het spel kan je op deze manier 238 elementen maken.
Het jammere van het spel is dat als je één element mist, je er meteen een aantal niet kunt maken en dus als het ware vastloopt.
Omdat Alchemy Classic zeer verslavend is, is het heel vervelend als je dan niet verder kunt, vandaar deze lijst met oplossingen.
Onthoudt echter wel dat als je naar deze lijst kijkt, je meestal niet maar één element ziet, maar meerdere en dat dat misschien je spelplezier kan bederven.
Het spel Alchemy Classic is best leerzaam, je moet namelijk best wel logisch nadenken over welke combinaties je moet maken om een bepaald element te verkrijgen. Alchemy Classic is daarom naast verslavend ook nog eens nuttig.
Dit is mooi meegenomen, als je bedenkt dat voornamelijk de jeugd gebruikt maakt van spelletjes op de telefoon.
De lijst van Alchemy Classic
Omdat de taal van het spel in het Engels is, houd ik hier de Engelse termen aan.
Nog een paar opmerkingen vooraf:
- Sommige elementen hebben één dier nodig als ingrediënt. Dus als er zomaar een dier in de lijst staat, kun je elk dier of plankton gebruiken.
- Soms ontstaat er meer dan één element, als je aan het combineren bent. Dat element staat dan tussen haakjes achter het te vormen element.
- Soms zijn er meerdere mogelijkheden om één element te maken.
Primary Substances
Air = Basis element
Carbon = fire + wood
Carbon = sugar + sulfuric acid
Carbon dioxide (, Water, Potassium nitrate) = ash + nitric acid
Chlorine (, Sodium) = fire + electricity + salt
Clay = sand + swamp
Clouds = air + fog
Cold = clouds + 2 wind
Compost = 2 vegetable waste
Earth = Basis element
Electricity = lightning + metals
Electricity = lightning + ‘any metal’
Electricity (, Wind Turbine) = metals + active robot + wind
Fertilizer = nitric acid + sodium hydroxide
Fire = Basis element
Fog = air + water
Humus = wormy compost + earth
Hydrogen (, Hydrogen, oxygen) = water + electricity
Hydrothermal vein = water + earth + volcano
Ice = water + cold
Lightning = air + fire
Magnet = stone + metals
Metals = fire + stone
Methane = earth + vegetable waste
Minerals = earth + hydrothermal vein
Oil = vegetable waste + stone
Oxygen (, 2 Hydrogen) = water + electricity
Plutonium = 2 radioactivity + metals
Radioactivity (, Undefined dead lifeform) = active robot + alien
Rain = water + clouds
Salt (, Fog) = air + salt water
Sand = air + stone
Snow = cold + rain
Steam = fire + fog
Stone = fire + earth
Swamp = water + earth
Thunderstorm = lightning + rain
Uranium = radioactivity + metals
Volcano = 2 fire + earth
Water = Basis element
Wind = 2 air
Wormy compost = worms + compost
Algae = water + bacteria
Bamboo = earth + grass
Banana = grass + fruits
Cactus = sand + flowers
Cereals = grass + humus
Dying forest = forest + beetles
Fern = swamp + moss
Flowers = fern + grass
Forest = 2 trees
Fruit trees = trees + humus
Fruits = fruit trees + wormy compost
Fruits = fruit trees + humus
Fruits = fruit trees + compost
Grains (,Straw) = cereals + metals
Grains (,Straw) = cereals + aluminium
Grains (,Straw) = cereals + iron
Grass = earth + moss
Hedge = 3 shrub
Lettuce = fern + humus
Liana = grass + trees
Lint = flower + humus
Moss = earth + algae
Mutating plant = fern + mutating bacteria
Orchids = fungi + flowers
Palms = sand + fern
Reed = water + grass
Rice = water + cereals
Shrub = earth + fern
Straw (,Grains) = cereals + metals
Straw (,Grains) = cereals + aluminium
Straw (,Grains) = cereals + iron
Sugar cane = bamboo + humus
Trees = earth + flowers
Ammonites = sand + cephalopods
Ammonites = stone + cephalopods
Amphibians = swamp + fish
Ants = earth + insects
Arthropods = earth + plankton
Bats = air + mammals
Bear = mammals + honey
Beavers = wood + rodents
Bees = flowers + insects
Beetles = air + arthropods
Birds = air + flying dinosaurs
Butterflies = flowers + flies
Cephalopods = water + molluscs
Chickens = birds + grains
Chicks = chickens + eggs
Corals = stone + plankton
Crabs = sand + shrimps
Crocodiles = water + reptiles
Dinosaurs = sand + reptiles
Dolphins = water + watermammals
Dragonflies = water + insects
Drunken animal = alcohol + ‘elk dier’
Ducks = water + waterbirds
Eel = fish + electricity
Fish = algae + plankton
Flies = fungi + insects
Flying dinosaurs = air + dinosaurs
Flying fish = air + fish
Frogs – swamp + amphibians
Hamsters = cereals + rodents
Hares = rodents + grass
Honey bee = flower + bees
Hummingbirds = birds + flowers
Infected animal = viruses + ‘elk dier’
Insects = air + beetles
Jellyfish = water + plankton
Lizards = earth + reptiles
Mammals = ice + reptiles
Marmots = stone + rodents
Mice = earth + rodents
Millipedes = earth + arthropods
Molluscs = swamp + plankton
Monkeys = mammals + banana
Mosquitos = swamp + flies
Mussels = sand + molluscs
Octopus = water + cephalopods
Penguins = ice + water birds
Platypus (, Platypus) – reptiles + mammals
Poisoned animal = chemical rubbish + ‘elk dier’
Poisoned animal = chlorine + ‘elk dier’
Poisoned animal = fertilizer + ‘elk dier’
Polar bear = ice + bear
Rabbits = fern + rodents
Rats = chemical rubbish + rodents
Reptiles = sand + amphibians
Rodents = earth + mammals
Salamanders = earth + amphibians
Sandworms = sand + worms
Scorpions = sand + spiders
Seagulls = air + waterbirds
Shrimps = water + arthropods
Slugs = swamp + molluscs
Snails = earth + molluscs
Snakes = swamp + reptiles
Spiders = stone + arthropods
Squirrels = trees + rodents
Starfish = sand + plankton
Swamp chickens = swamp + chickens
Termites = wood + ants
Toads = earth + frogs
Tortoises = reptiles + lettuce
Trilobites = sand + arthropods
Waterbirds = water + birds
Watermammals = water + mammals
Whales = 2 water + watermammals
Woodpeckers = wood + birds
Woodworms = wood + worms
Worms = earth + slugs
Chemical Substances
Alcohol = fire + water
Amino acids = lightning + swamp
Chemical Waste = chemical rubbish + container
Chemical rubbish = fire + CuZn battery
Chemical rubbish = fire + ZnC Battery
Chemical rubbish = 2 fire + incomplete boiler
Gunpowder = carbon + sulfur + potassium nitrate
HCI = hydrogen + chlorine
HNO2 = hydrogen + NO2
HNO3 (, Hydrogen) = water + NO2
Hydrochloric acid = water + HCI
NO2 = lightning + 2 air
Nitric acid = water + HNO3
Nitrous acid = water + HNO2
Nuclear waste = nuclear power station + container
Potassium nitrate (, Water, Carbon dioxide) = nitric acid + ash
Sodium hydroxide (, Hydrogen) = water + sodium
Sodium hydroxide solution = water + sodium hydroxide
Sulfur dioxide = oxygen + sulfur
Sulfur trioxide = oxygen + sulfur dioxide
Sulfuric acid = water + sulfur trioxide
Vinegar = bacteria + wine
Wine = fungi + juice
Basic Lifeforms
Bacteria = swamp + amino acids
Cells = 2 bacteria
Fungi = swamp + algae
Mutating bacteria = alcohol + bacteria
Plankton = water + cells
Viruses = earth + bacteria
Aluminium = 3 fire + metals
Bronze = lead + copper
Chromium = 6 fire + metals
Copper = 4 fire + metals
Iron = 5 fire + metals
Lead = fire + metals
Mercury = fire + cinnabar
Sodium (, Chlorine) = fire + electricity + salt
Steel = iron + chromium
Tungsten = 7 fire + metals
Zinc = 2 fire + metals
Cinnabar (, Sulfur) = earth + minerals
Sulfur (, Cinnabar) = earth + minerals
Extraordinary Lifeforms
Alien = amphibians + mutating bacteria
Extremely infectious alien = alien + viruses
Frozen alien = freezer + alien
Undefined dead lifeform = fire + ‘elk dier’
Undefined dead lifeform = nitric acid + ‘elk dier’
Undefined dead lifeform = nitrous acid + ‘elk dier’
Undefined dead lifeform = electricity + ‘elk dier’
Undefined dead lifeform = hydrochloric acid + ‘elk dier’
Undefined dead lifeform = sodium hydroxide solution + ‘elk dier’
Undefined dead lifeform = poisoned animal + fertilizer
Undefined dead lifeform = infected animal + fertilizer
Active robot = alien + robot
Atombomb = active robot + metals + plutonium
Electric boiler = incomplete boiler + CuZn battery
Electric boiler = incomplete boiler + ZnC battery
Freezer = active robot + metals + ice
Incomplete boiler = active robot + metals + water
Loom = wood + tools + fiber
Nuclear boiler = uranium + incomplete boiler
Robot (, Alien) = metals + alien + ZnC battery
Steam Turbine = active robot + metals + steam
UFO = active robot + metals + glass + air
Water Turbine (, Electricity) = 2 water + metals + active robot
Wind Turbine (, Electricity) = metals + active robot + wind
Simple Equipment
Aquarium = glass + fish
Atom battery = active robot + CuZn battery + radioactivity
Atom battery = active robot + ZnC battery + radioactivity
Clothes = textile + textile factory
Compass = glass + metals + magnet
Container = active robot + metals
CuZn Battery = copper + zinc
Glowing Lightbulb = electricity + lightbulb
Lightbulb = glass + tungsten
Sandglass = sand + glass
Stone Axe = stone + liana + wooden fragments
Terrarium (A) = glass + amphibians
Terrarium (R) = glass + reptiles
Thermometer = glass + mercury
Tools = metals + wood
ZnC Battery = zinc + carbon
Brick = fire + clay
Cellulose = water + wood + sulfuric acid
Diamond = carbon + stone
Fiber = lint + tools
Glass = fire + sand
Paper = cellulose + paper factory
Textile = yarn + loom
Wood = metals + bamboo
Wood = iron + bamboo
Wood = steel + bamboo
Wood = metals + trees
Wood = iron + trees
Wood = steel + trees
Wooden fragments = lightning + trees
Yarn = 2 fiber
Incomplete factory = brick + wood + electric boiler
Nuclear power station = steam turbine + nuclear boiler
Paper factory = cellulose + incomplete factory
Textile factory = loom + incomplete factory
Ash = 2 fire + wood
Beehive = 2 bees
Bread = eggs + flour + fire + water
Eggs = cereals + chickens
Flour = 2 stone + cereals
Honey = flowers + honey bee
Juice = stone + fruits
Polluted earth = earth + nuclear waste
Saltwater = water + salt
Saltwater (, Earth) = water + stone
Sugar (, Vegetable waste) = metals + sugar cane
Sugar (, Vegetable waste) = chromium + sugar cane
Sugar water = water + sugar
Vegetable waste = metals + palms of shrub of grass of fern of mutating plant of flowers of orchids
Vegetable waste = iron + palms of shrub of grass of fern of mutating plant of flowers of orchids
Vegetable waste = steel + palms of shrub of grass of fern of mutating plant of flowers of orchids of cereals
Vegetable waste = aluminium + palms of shrub of grass of fern of mutating plant of flowers of orchids
Vegetable waste = chromium + palms of cereals
Vegetable waste (, Sugar) = metals + sugar cane
Vegetable waste (, Sugar) = chromium + sugar cane
Air + Saltwater = fog, salt
Algae + Fertilizer = air
Alien + Chemical rubbish = 3 alien
Diamond + 2 Fire = 6 fire
Fern + Fertilizer = air
Fire + Alcohol = 2 fire, water
Fungi + Sugar = air
Stone + Sandglass = sand, glass, stone
Water + Stone = earth, salt water
Tot slot
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