See Also Similar Articles Within Category Mediawiki
This extension hook places related articles that derive from the same directory, beneath the article.
<?php if ( ! defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) die(); //-------------------------------------------------- // See for either updates // or other extensions such as the Ajax Rating Script-, // Image shadow- or EditpageMultipleInputboxes extension. // good luck with your Wiki! // B.Vahrmeijer //---------------------------------------------------- //Based on DynamicPageList extension // Contributors: n:en:User:IlyaHaykinson n:en:User:Amgine // // // $wgDLPminCategories = 1; // Minimum number of categories to look for $wgDLPmaxCategories = 6; // Maximum number of categories to look for $wgDLPMinResultCount = 1; // Minimum number of results to allow $wgDLPMaxResultCount = 8; // Maximum number of results to allow $wgDLPAllowUnlimitedResults = false; // Allow unlimited results $wgDLPAllowUnlimitedCategories = false; // Allow unlimited categories $wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array( 'name' => 'See Also Other Links Within Category 24-07-2007', 'author' => 'Boudewijn Vahrmeijer', 'url' => '', 'version' => '1.11,1.10.1/1.9.3/1.9.2/1.8.2', 'description' => 'At the bottom of article, display of links to similar Articles (within the category)', ); $wgUseCategoryBrowser = true; // hook into Skintemplate.php $wgHooks['SkinTemplateOutputPageBeforeExec'][] = array("wfSeeAlsoDisplay"); function wfSeeAlsoDisplay(&$q,&$p) { global $wgOut,$wgArticle,$wgMessageCache; $wgMessageCache->addMessages( array( 'dynamicpagelist_toomanycats' => 'DynamicPageList: Too many categories!', 'dynamicpagelist_toofewcats' => 'DynamicPageList: Too few categories!', 'dynamicpagelist_noresults' => 'DynamicPageList: No results!', 'dynamicpagelist_noincludecats' => 'DynamicPageList: You need to include at least one category, or specify a namespace!', ) ); if ($wgArticle==null) return true; if ($wgArticle->getTitle()->mNamespace != 0) return true; // get category tree $tree=explode('<hr />',$q->getCategories()); <p> // kill the ugly category box below the page $p->set( 'catlinks', <i>);</i> </p><p> // set tree on top of text and register into $tpl $cats=explode('Category:',$tree[1]); $cats2=$cats[count($cats)-1]; $cats3=explode('">',$cats2); $input='category = Algemeen'; $list=DynamicPageList($input); </p> $seeAlso='<h1>See Also the Following Articles</h1>'; <p> $combine=$wgOut->mBodytext.$seeAlso.$list; $p->setRef( 'bodytext', $combine ); </p><p> return true; </p><p>} </p><p>function DynamicPageList( $input ) { global $wgUser; global $wgLang; global $wgContLang; global $wgDLPminCategories, $wgDLPmaxCategories,$wgDLPMinResultCount, $wgDLPMaxResultCount; global $wgDLPAllowUnlimitedResults, $wgDLPAllowUnlimitedCategories; </p><p> $aParams = array(); $bCountSet = false; </p> $sStartList = '<ul>'; $sEndList = '</ul>'; $sStartItem = '<li>'; $sEndItem = '</li>'; <p> $sOrderMethod = 'categoryadd'; $sOrder = 'descending'; $sRedirects = 'exclude'; </p><p> $bNamespace = false; $iNamespace = 0; </p><p> $bSuppressErrors = false; $bShowNamespace = true; $bAddFirstCategoryDate = false; </p><p> $aCategories = array(); $aExcludeCategories = array(); </p><p> $aParams = explode("\n", $input); </p><p> $parser = new Parser; $poptions = new ParserOptions; </p><p> foreach($aParams as $sParam) { $aParam = explode("=", $sParam); if( count( $aParam ) < 2 ) continue; $sType = trim($aParam[0]); $sArg = trim($aParam[1]); if ($sType=='category') { $title = Title::newFromText( $parser->transformMsg($sArg, $poptions) ); if( is_null( $title ) ) continue; $aCategories[] = $title; } else if ($sType=='notcategory') { $title = Title::newFromText( $parser->transformMsg($sArg, $poptions) ); if( is_null( $title ) ) continue; $aExcludeCategories[] = $title; } else if ('namespace'==$sType) { $ns = $wgContLang->getNsIndex($sArg); if (NULL != $ns) { $iNamespace = $ns; $bNamespace = true; } else { $iNamespace = intval($sArg); if ($iNamespace >= 0) { $bNamespace = true; } else { $bNamespace = false; } } } else if ('count'==$sType) { //ensure that $iCount is a number; $iCount = IntVal( $sArg ); $bCountSet = true; } else if ('mode'==$sType) { switch ($sArg) { case 'none': $sStartList = <i>;</i> $sEndList = <i>;</i> $sStartItem = <i>;</i> $sEndItem = ' '; break; case 'ordered': </p> $sStartList = '<ol>'; $sEndList = '</ol>'; $sStartItem = '<li>'; $sEndItem = '</li>'; <p> break; case 'unordered': default: </p> $sStartList = '<ul>'; $sEndList = '</ul>'; $sStartItem = '<li>'; $sEndItem = '</li>'; <p> break; } } else if ('order'==$sType) { switch ($sArg) { case 'ascending': $sOrder = 'ascending'; break; case 'descending': default: $sOrder = 'descending'; break; } } else if ('ordermethod'==$sType) { switch ($sArg) { case 'lastedit': $sOrderMethod = 'lastedit'; break; case 'categoryadd': default: $sOrderMethod = 'categoryadd'; break; } } else if ('redirects'==$sType) { switch ($sArg) { case 'include': $sRedirects = 'include'; break; case 'only': $sRedirects = 'only'; break; case 'exclude': default: $sRedirects = 'exclude'; break; } } else if ('suppresserrors'==$sType) { if ('true'==$sArg) $bSuppressErrors = true; else $bSuppressErrors = false; } else if ('addfirstcategorydate'==$sType) { if ('true'==$sArg) $bAddFirstCategoryDate = true; else $bAddFirstCategoryDate = false; } else if ('shownamespace'==$sType) { if ('false'==$sArg) $bShowNamespace = false; else $bShowNamespace = true; } } </p><p> $iCatCount = count($aCategories); $iExcludeCatCount = count($aExcludeCategories); $iTotalCatCount = $iCatCount + $iExcludeCatCount; </p><p> if ($iCatCount < 1 && false==$bNamespace) { if (false==$bSuppressErrors) return htmlspecialchars( wfMsg( 'dynamicpagelist_noincludecats' ) ); // "!!no included categories!!"; else return <i>;</i> } </p><p> if ($iTotalCatCount < $wgDLPminCategories) { if (false==$bSuppressErrors) return htmlspecialchars( wfMsg( 'dynamicpagelist_toofewcats' ) ); // "!!too few categories!!"; else return <i>;</i> } </p><p> if ( $iTotalCatCount > $wgDLPmaxCategories && !$wgDLPAllowUnlimitedCategories ) { if (false==$bSuppressErrors) return htmlspecialchars( wfMsg( 'dynamicpagelist_toomanycats' ) ); // "!!too many categories!!"; else return <i>;</i> } </p><p> if ($bCountSet) { if ($iCount < $wgDLPMinResultCount) $iCount = $wgDLPMinResultCount; if ($iCount > $wgDLPMaxResultCount) $iCount = $wgDLPMaxResultCount; } else { if (!$wgDLPAllowUnlimitedResults) { $iCount = $wgDLPMaxResultCount; $bCountSet = true; } } </p><p> //disallow showing date if the query doesn't have an inclusion category parameter if ($iCatCount < 1) $bAddFirstCategoryDate = false; </p><p> //build the SQL query $dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $sPageTable = $dbr->tableName( 'page' ); $categorylinks = $dbr->tableName( 'categorylinks' ); $sSqlSelectFrom = "SELECT page_namespace, page_title, c1.cl_timestamp FROM $sPageTable"; </p><p> if (true==$bNamespace) $sSqlWhere = ' WHERE page_namespace='.$iNamespace.' '; else $sSqlWhere = ' WHERE 1=1 '; </p><p> switch ($sRedirects) { case 'only': $sSqlWhere .= ' AND page_is_redirect = 1 '; break; case 'exclude': $sSqlWhere .= ' AND page_is_redirect = 0 '; break; } </p><p> $iCurrentTableNumber = 0; </p><p> for ($i = 0; $i < $iCatCount; $i++) { $sSqlSelectFrom .= " INNER JOIN $categorylinks AS c" . ($iCurrentTableNumber+1); $sSqlSelectFrom .= ' ON page_id = c'.($iCurrentTableNumber+1).'.cl_from'; $sSqlSelectFrom .= ' AND c'.($iCurrentTableNumber+1).'.cl_to='. $dbr->addQuotes( $aCategories[$i]->getDbKey() ); </p><p> $iCurrentTableNumber++; } </p><p> for ($i = 0; $i < $iExcludeCatCount; $i++) { $sSqlSelectFrom .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN $categorylinks AS c" . ($iCurrentTableNumber+1); $sSqlSelectFrom .= ' ON page_id = c'.($iCurrentTableNumber+1).'.cl_from'; $sSqlSelectFrom .= ' AND c'.($iCurrentTableNumber+1).'.cl_to='. $dbr->addQuotes( $aExcludeCategories[$i]->getDbKey() ); </p><p> $sSqlWhere .= ' AND c'.($iCurrentTableNumber+1).'.cl_to IS NULL'; </p><p> $iCurrentTableNumber++; } </p><p> if ('descending'==$sOrder) $sSqlOrder = 'DESC'; else $sSqlOrder = 'ASC'; </p><p> if ('lastedit'==$sOrderMethod) $sSqlWhere .= ' ORDER BY page_touched '; else $sSqlWhere .= ' ORDER BY c1.cl_timestamp '; </p><p> $sSqlWhere .= $sSqlOrder; </p><p><br /> if ($bCountSet) { $sSqlWhere .= ' LIMIT ' . $iCount; } </p><p> //DEBUG: output SQL query //$output .= 'QUERY: [' . $sSqlSelectFrom . $sSqlWhere . "] "; </p><p> // process the query $res = $dbr->query($sSqlSelectFrom . $sSqlWhere); </p><p> $sk =& $wgUser->getSkin(); </p><p> if ($dbr->numRows( $res )==0) { if (false==$bSuppressErrors) return htmlspecialchars( wfMsg( 'dynamicpagelist_noresults' ) ); else return <i>;</i> } </p><p> //start unordered list $output .= $sStartList . "\n"; </p> //process results of query, outputing equivalent of <li><a href="/article/article/view/?slug=Article">Article</a> </li> for each result, <p> //or something similar if the list uses other startlist/endlist while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) { $title = Title::makeTitle( $row->page_namespace, $row->page_title); $output .= $sStartItem; if (true==$bAddFirstCategoryDate) $output .= $wgLang->date($row->cl_timestamp) . ': '; </p><p> if (true==$bShowNamespace) $output .= $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($title); else $output .= $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($title, htmlspecialchars($title->getText())); $output .= $sEndItem . "\n"; } </p><p> //end unordered list $output .= $sEndList . "\n"; </p><p> return $output; } ?> </p>