How to implement a search webpart for lists in Sharepoint 2003


The search function of Sharepoint 2003 can be quite vague and not user friendly. Sometimes you want to implement a (team)site specific search function. A nice feature would be a list specific search function.

This article will present you a free solution webpart for your Sharepoint. This is a solution that can be customized to your specific list or document library.


  • At first go to the page where you want your search module
  • Click on Add webparts in the Site Actions Link right top
  • Browse for a Content Module and insert it into your (team)site
  • Now it's time to customize this module
  • Click on the triangle on the webpart and click Modify Share Webpart
  • Click on the Source Editor in the appearing Menu at the right
  • Insert the following code:
<script language=javascript>
function LeerWikiSharePointSearchWebpart() 
	var searchKey = document.getElementById("Held").value;
                     var searchType = document.getElementById("wssHeader__ctl0_HeaderSearch1_headerSearchType").value;
	var searchUrl = document.getElementById("wssHeader__ctl0_HeaderSearch1_headerSearchUrl").value;
	window.location.href='....yourmainsite..../C5/SearchCenter/default.aspx?k=' + searchKey + "&type=" + searchType + "&url=....yourspecificsite.....";}

function handleEnterKeyForSearchLeerWiki()
	if (window.event.keyCode==13) 
		return false;
	return true;
<td class="ms-sbtable ms-searchform" style="PADDING-LEFT: 4px">
<p>			<a accesskey="S" title="Advanced Search" href="javascript:LeerWikiSharePointSearchWebpart();"><img title="Advanced Search" alt="Advanced Search" src="/_layouts/images/SPSSearch2.gif" border="0" style="CURSOR:hand;" align="absmiddle"></a>
<td style="PADDING-LEFT:4px">
<p>			<input name="wssHeader:_ctl0:HeaderSearch1:headerSearchBox" id="Held" type="text" style="width:100px" maxlength="200" Class="ms-sbkeyword ms-descriptiontext" onkeypress="return handleEnterKeyForSearchLeerWiki();" value="" /> 
		<td nowrap="nowrap">
<p>			<img title="Execute search" alt="Execute search" border="0" alt="Execute Search" 
				onmouseover="changeImages(this, '\/_layouts\/images\/icongo02.gif'); return true;"
				onmouseout="changeImages(this,'\/_layouts\/images\/icongo01.gif'); return true;" 
				src="/_layouts/images/icongo01.gif" style="CURSOR:hand" />
			<input name="wssHeader:_ctl0:HeaderSearch1:headerSearchUrl" id="wssHeader__ctl0_HeaderSearch1_headerSearchUrl" type="hidden" />
  • Dont forget to change the following code to your URL
*....yourmainsite.... --> basic site URL of your company (ie.
*....yourspecificsite..... --> the specific site you want to search in .

(ie. or

  • Save the module and it should be working


  • If some thing are not quite working, maybe your Sharepoint has some different URL variables. Your can always check with your standard Sharepoint SearchFunction to customize to your Company.

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